Born in Queensland Australia, Grant is the eldest child to a soldier and teacher, graduating from Villanova College, before entering Teachers' College.
In 1987 Grant joined the Police Force, and the following year was Commended for Bravery by the Royal Human Society for the Preservation of Life. He would later be awarded the Lifetime Achievement and Life Membership of the International Blue Light Association for Police Youth programs.
Grant began a love of yachting while still in High School, achieving National and State Representative Honors twice before graduation. He would go on to to win a record 7 State Titles between 1991 and 1999.
In 2003 he entered his first writing competition ...he didn't win, but he did launch a new career.
In 2005 he immigrated to the U.S.A. and commenced writing for a computer game company. He is currently a feature writer for a number of magazines, and his stories stories appear in the Chicken Soup for the Soul series.
Grant is the father of two daughters and an advocate of alienated fathers everywhere.
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